My Story

Welcome to The Fashion Start-Up. I’m Elise Bonn, entrepreneur and start-up business mentor, known for my multiple successful start-up businesses. 

It’s tried and true. I’ve done it 1000+ times, and reached international success along the way. I’ve navigated the enormous world of online selling by myself, and came through the other side to reach globally renowned success — and repeat. Now, I’m helping you do the same, without all the challenges I faced as I navigated through unknown territory alone. 

One of the things I do very well is: I take businesses from IDEA TO LAUNCH.

So, how did I do it? Read on

2013 - The Idea

Every business starts with one thing: an idea.

While I was studying Interior Design & Styling in Sydney, I designed a surface print to be applied to home textiles. After creating a bold design, the teacher suggested it would be better suited to an apparel product — something in the fashion space. 

This suggestion ignited a spark to what would soon become a globally renowned fashion brand.

I quickly put the idea into action: I sourced an overseas supplier to print my pattern on a pair of activewear leggings. After posting a photo on my (at the time) small Instagram account, I received some unexpected hype. My followers were reaching out to ask me where they could buy a pair, so I ordered ten more samples from my supplier.

The samples sold out within three minutes.

It was in that moment that my activewear brand and e-comm business was born.

2014-2016 - The Launch

My activewear brand officially launched in 2014, and grew rapidly from there. I found myself navigating the online world of eCommerce (an area I didn’t have a clue about), while trying to keep up with demand.

Collection by collection, the brand grew, and I tried to figure it all out as time went on. At one point, I dragged my Mum across the globe to China to source a new supplier — just to keep up with production demand. Though it was unfamiliar territory for me, the brand was thriving.

2017 - The Success

By 2017, we were seen as a “world renowned brand”. We were shipping items to 100+ countries, grew our logistics team , and we were moving into the athleisure space - which was a brand new industry at the time. We were getting attention from the magazines and media I looked up to. It was more than I had ever dreamed.

Then, on a regular, busy Tuesday morning, I received a call from ‘Mercedes Benz Fashion Week’, asking if we would be interested in applying to walk in the largest show of the year in Australia. I was so honoured to be considered. I went on to apply, and didn’t expect much from there.

A few short weeks later, we received the news that … we got in! We walked along side incredible brands, like Seafolly, in the largest fashion event in Australia.

It was an honour, privilege and overall quite emotional for me. The sleepless nights became worth it, and the hours of educating myself through the space all made sense…

From this event, we had the opportunity to sell in the largest retail stores in Australia, like The Iconic, Myer, David Jones etc.

2018 - The Global Expansion

We didn’t stop there. By 2018, the brand was the biggest it had ever been.

The next milestone occurred when we were selected to walk in New York Fashion Week — our first global show. 

This show was a blur as we created a new collection in just three weeks. I worked out the logistics, then jumped on an international flight as soon as I could.

The show was an international success. We went on to fill racks in New York storefronts, and rapidly grew a cult following across the US. That was when onlookers began to ask: how did you do it? How did you create something so successful from scratch, entirely online? 

… and would you believe it: another idea had been sparked. I began to consider how I could share my knowledge and experience with those who wanted to achieve the same thing I had.

2019 - The Next Idea

Come 2019, the brand was in a prime position to continue its global expansion. This required a much bigger team with increased facilities and resources. As the brand was being scouted, an opportunity arose, and I placed the brand in the right hands of those with a platform to grow the brand further.

The decision to move on was made easier by the growth I had experienced on a personal and business level. I had achieved what I set out to achieve, tenfold. At a young age, I was able to figure out how to make things happen in a big way. I faced challenges while keeping myself, and the business, together and growing.

As I stepped away from my first eCommerce brand, I stepped into my next passion project venture: helping others navigate the same challenging, yet infinitely rewarding, journey I had gone through.

2020 & beyond: The Now

In 2020, The Fashion Start-Up was born. An exclusive space where I create, teach and encourage new entrepreneurs on their own online business journeys.

The Fashion Start-Up was born in 2020, as an exclusive space where I guide entrepreneurs through their own start up journeys. I see those who, just like me, had an idea — and I’m here to help you turn that dream into a reality, while avoiding many of the challenges and uncertainties I faced.

So, what is your idea to launch? I’ll help you bring your business to life.

If that sounds like you, it’s time to apply to work with me on your entrepreneurial journey. I’m so happy you’re here.